Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Reflection Essay - 1287 Words

Happiness, enjoyment, ecstasy, these sense of feeling people always talk about, which lingering around my ears ever since I was a little kid, gets me tired from even giving a try to dig in and to truly understand what it means to be happy, to enjoy, and live in ecstasy. But there is one moment, the moment which crumbles my thought, has impacted me deeply that makes me wonder: Why do people wish for happiness, isn’t happiness expressed through our laughters and on our smiling face? If not, then what is that authentic and permanent happiness we can get? This all starts from the last parent meeting at the end of my elementary school life, which influences my attitude, my personality, and my plans for the future that is close at hand. It is†¦show more content†¦All of a sudden, this scent of surprise and hope perishes like the candlefire, from either faces; Anger, regret, and embarrassment turned Harry’s face into purple yam that he wants to jump into the void and never come back. Sitting with father, my heart is crumbling and jump all over my atrium like a captured squirrel trying to escape the cage. Inside my brain there is a movie tape playing back all the moments, the troublesome moments that I had, all the unpleasant incidents with my classmates or my teachers, I’m too scare to even think about the exposure of these wrongdoings caused my my impulsions. I closed my eyes, imagining my homeroom teacher as the god, shall forgive me this one time and make my life easier since I worked hard under her for the entire year. The time has come, as she opened her mouth and shout out my name, the perturbation I felt is as a throne for the king which I have to carry it alone by myself. Fortunately, she describes me as an overall good student, just need to change my indulgent personality a little. As the big throne disappeared from my back, I suddenly feel relieved, relaxed, and I smiled. It was a smile not only for my lucky escape from the hell gate, but for tho se people who gets unlucky, being embarrassed and going to get condemned by their parents. After this thirty minute battle of mental stability, inside the toasted sultry classroom, the final part of the meeting, has come.Show MoreRelatedReflection Essay1616 Words   |  7 PagesReflective Essay The aim of this essay is to reflect on an incident, which took place in a hospital setting during the first month of my Foundation Degree Assistant Practitioner course. It will explore the importance of communication amongst the health care professionals and how a good nursing documentation is an integral part of nursing. It will also demonstrate how reflection enabled me to make sense of and learn from this experience, as well as identify any further learning developments neededRead MoreReflection Essay781 Words   |  4 PagesI determined that I needed a new interest, something to keep my mind engaged and challenged. 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Integral Role of Event Design †Free Assignment Sample Solution

Question: Explain the integral role of event design success of an event. Answer: Introduction Fashion events refer to the events in which individuals can display their innovative clothing among the targeted audience. The theme of the fashion depends on the session in which the event has been organized (Getz and Page 2016). For example, there are three types of fashion sessions such as summer, spring and winter. The purpose of conducting this kind of events is to bring the latest clothing trend of fashion. Fashion events are known as festivals in some cities such as UK, New York and Paris. This report will discuss the process of event design for fashion show including purpose, them, venue and planning of the event. Purpose The purpose of this fashion event is to display new cloth designs in order to attract the target audience. It helps to conduct brand promotion among the targeted customers. Additionally, it helps to increase brand value of a garment company through celebrity endorsement. Theme Here, the theme of the fashion event will be handcrafted cloths. In such fashion events, garments companies can promote their handcrafted products among the targeted customers. The material used in this kind of fashion shows is jute or it can be embroidery. In such fashion events, makeup artists should match with the overall theme of the show. For example, hairstyle and makeup of the models should be relevant with the purpose of the event. Venue The venue for this event will be at Olympia exhibition hall, at Hammersmith road. This location is specially designed for international trade show, consumer events and conference. Therefore, it will be possible to conduct the fashion show in this venue. Event Design Plan In order to design the event plan, it is highly important to implement an effective event management plan. At early stage, it is important to jot down all the necessary activities such as accommodation, theme planning, communication with stakeholders, advertisement of the event, risk assessment plan of the event and execution. All the objectives need to be achieved within expected deadline (Min, Koo and DeLong 2015). Moreover, the entire design requires an efficient team, because it is not possible for an individual to design an entire fashion event. Teamwork is the most important factor in any kind of event management planning. Eventually, it is important to allocate responsibilities to the team members in order to get efficient outcome from the project (Huang, Wei and Chang 2016). It is the sole responsibility of the event manager to monitor activities of the team members in order to ensure that things are happening as per planning. A poor monitoring or supervision could be a reaso n of project failure. Objectives Following are the objectives of this fashion event: To display the newly introduced handcrafted products among the target audience To satisfy the targeted audience with good hospitality To introduce new style statement among the targeted audience To conduct a cohesive risk assessment plan for the fashion show Communicating with stakeholders In order to achieve the framed objectives, it is highly important to communicate with the target audience of the event. Here, email and telecommunication process will be implemented (Miettinen, Valtonen and Markuksela 2015). The audience will be invited through these communication processes. In case of email communication, the purpose of the event will be shared to the target audience. On the other hand, telecommunication would help to ensure that maximum people are attending the event at expected date. Moreover, through communication, it will be possible to understand preferences of the audience in an effective manner (Gaffary et al. 2015). During the course of communication, the company will clearly share the vision and purpose of the event. In this manner, it will be possible to influence interest of the audience. In order to attract audience, the company will provide a range of facilities to the audience such as complementary foods and drinks. Apart from that, the company with pr ovide lunch to the invited guests (Getz and Page 2016). The company will communicate with the audience and emphasize on these facilities in order to ensure success of the event. Arranging accommodation In order to get successful outcome, it is highly important to select a suitable accommodation for the event. The location should be easily accessible by the audience. The area of the venue should be vast and should be able to accommodate the full capacity of the crowed. Here, Olympia exhibition hall has been chosen as the location. The location selected for this event is suitable for fashion events. In order to conduct the event properly, it is highly important to focus on the setting arrangements. The ramp should be visible to the audience so that they feel confirmable while attending the show. Advertisement of the event In order to promote the event, social media advertisement will be conducted. Through this process, it will be possible to reach out to the targeted audience within short time span. Nowadays, people are very much depended on social media website like Facebook and Twitter (Morgeson, Mitchell and Liu 2015). The company will create an official page concerning the fashion event and will promote the page among the targeted audience. Moreover, the company will provide promotional coupon top the audience through different competition. In this manner, the company will be able to increase awareness about the event. Through social media advertisement, the company will share some of the innovative designed that they will display during the show (Fotiadis and Sigala 2015). In this manner, it will be possible to attract the audience in an effective manner. In order to increase awareness of the event, the company will tie up with a reputed magazine. In this way, the company will be able to attract audience from outside companys database (Dowson and Bassett 2015). The event will be open to all and therefore, the company will conduct advertisement through different advertisement platforms. Delegation of responsibility In order to achieve the objectives of this event, it is highly important to delegate the responsibilities of the team members. The project manager should be held responsible for separating the job role of the team member (Wei and Lingqiang 2015). Apart from that, the project manager should monitor the entire process in order to avoid uncertainly. The employees will be communicated properly and during this communication course, their job descriptions will be discussed. Following are the responsibilities of the team members in this event. Show Producer: Show produces will be responsible for briefing the team about their responsibilities. Apart from that, show produces will be responsible for ensure that every team members are performing their jobs accordingly to the requirements (Huopalainen 2015). In case, if any team member is facing difficulties, it is the sole responsibility of the show producer to assist the member. Backstage Manager: The backstage management ensures that all the processes are going according to the plan. Backstage managers will be responsible for maintaining communication with the models and other stakeholders (Parent and Chappelet 2015). Apart from that, these employees are responsible for helping out the other departments. Entertainment Manager: Entertainment managers improve performance quality of the models before the final show (Ryan 2016). Entertainment manager ensures that every model have adequate knowledge about what they are going to perform. PR manager: Public Relations managers will be responsible for communicating with the external stakeholders in order to increase awareness about the event (Antony et al. 2015). Apart from that, PR managers will be responsible for managing media inquiries. Event planner: The event planner will be responsible for choosing the event location, transport process, communicating with the finance department and completing the event within the estimated budget (Getz et al. 2015). The event planners are the decision makers in event management. In order to perform as an event planner, an individual should have efficient negotiation skill. Client Service Event Manager: This is a higher post in event management hierarchy. Client service event managers are responsible to communicate with the audience in order to increase awareness of the event (Getz and Page 2016). In order to perform in this position, an individual should have polite attitude, because client service manager needs communicate with all type of customers in the market. Ticket sales manager: In event management, the ticket sales manager is solely responsible for selling the tickets. Apart from that, they are responsible for designing and printing the tickets (Min, Koo and DeLong 2015). In order to attract the audience, it is highly important to improve content of the tickets with adequate information regarding the event. Risk assessment plan In order to achieve the framed objectives, a risk assessment plan will be implemented. In this manner, it will be possible to identify the potential issues of the event. Apart from that, an effective risk assessment plan will help the project manager to understand likelihood of the issues in an effective manner (Huang, Wei and Chang 2016). In fashion events, the company would hire cost effective models in order to reduce the overall cost. Apart from that, the company should ensure that all the stakeholders would stick to their commitment in order to complete the event successfully. Following are the potential risk of fashion event management. Loss of reputation: The event management team should complete the allocated responsibilities within the time allocated. Otherwise, it will affect reputation of the event management company negatively. For example, if one of the activities remains undone, then it will hamper the overall event (Miettinen, Valtonen and Markuksela 2015). The major goal of an event management company is to satisfy the audience with good facilities. However, failing to meet the commitments would harm organizational reputation of the company. Therefore, the company needs to ensure that none of the activity remains undone before the final date. Low estimated budget: In order to achieve the objectives, it is highly important to emphasize on the budget at primary stage. A low estimation of budget can be the most harmful risk for an event management company. In this event, the company should assess the budget requirement (Gaffary et al. 2015). In this process, it will be possible to avoid budget constraint. Otherwise, the company can face monitory loss as well as loss of reputation. Menu Well-planned menu has been planned for this occasion. In this event, the company will arrange dinner and snacks for the audience. In starters, there will be textures of beetroot, Smoked salmon mousse, micro herb salad, Crisp lamb belly, watercress and redcurrant jus and minted pea puree. In order to satisfy the audience, the company will maintain quality of foods. In dinner, there will be Bombay potatoes, spinach and peas with saffron cream and Spiced monkfish tail. There will be both vegetable and non-vegetable food for the audience. In desserts, there will be custard, porridge and ice cream. Apart from that, beverages and drinks will be serve to the audience. Music Popular chart busters of UK and tantalizing dance mix will be played during the event. There will be a special band performance by Arctic Monkeys. Activates In this event, there will be many activities such as ramp walk, music show and dance performance. Majorly, the ramp walk will be the catch of this event. The models will perform and display the handcrafted cloths among the audiences. A continuous ramp walk will be conducted throughout the show. Background instrumental music will be played throughout the event. In the beginning, there will be a music show and in the end, the models will organize a dance performance. Celebrities will be there in order to engage the audience for the entire session. Following are the activities of the fashion show will be conducted. Ramp Walk: In this activity, models will display the cloths among the audience. There will be 3 minutes time will be allocated for the models to change dress Apart from that, each model will stay as the floor for 2 minutes. The ramp walk will be end with the appearance of showstopper. In the end, the designer will introduce the cloths to the audience. This activity will end up with a brief speech of the designer. As this is not a fundraising event, there will be no social cause will be raised by the designer. The speech will focus on material of the cloths and availability of the products in market. Music Performance: In the beginning, Arctic Moneys will entertain the audience with music. Here, the performers will welcome the audience with their own compositions. Apart from that, the band will play instrumental music in order to match with the essence of the event. As the theme of the fashion show is forecasting the handcrafted cloths, light music will be played. Budget Particulars Amount () Accommodation rent 500 Electricity 100 Decoration 400 Food and Beverages 600 Music 1700 Promotion cost 300 Parking cost 170 Total Cost 3770 The above-mentioned budget has been estimated for this event. The cost of accommodation and promotion will be fixed. Apart from that, the other costs will be variable and can be change as per the market situation. However, it can be said that the budget is sufficient for completing the event successfully. The company will conduct a risk assessment plan and during the course of risk assessment, the budget will be revised as per requirements. However, in order to achieve successful outcome from the event, the team members should stick to the estimated budget. Recommendations In order to conduct the event successfully, the company should implement an efficient risk assessment plan. In this manner, the company will be able to identify and mitigate the potential risk factors of the event. Apart from that, responsibilities of the team members should be differentiated at very beginning of the event. The team members should stick to the estimated budget, because wrong estimation of beget is the most common issue in event management. The event manager should establish good communication with the team members in order to encourage teamwork. The entire mechanism of the event management depends on communication. Therefore, the event manager should communication with both internal and external stakeholders. In this communication course, the managers should share the vision and objectives of the event in order to ensure that everyone have sufficient knowledge about what they will be doing. Conclusion While concluding, it can be said that the purpose of this event is to display the innovative cloths among the targeted audience. The theme of the event will be based on handcrafted cloths. The event manager will arrange the event according to the theme of the event. There will be different activities that will engage the audience during the event. Apart from that, this report emphasizes different job roles and responsibilities of the event management team. Moreover, event plan and budget is feasible and therefore, risk for the company is low. The event management team will also implement a risk assessment plan in which the team will ensure that they are not exciding the estimated budget. 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